5 Tips to make Video Resumes that will help you get Hired

Video Resumes

The resume plays the most significant role in the recruitment process and is the roadmap for getting yourself hired. However, job portals are flooded with millions of resumes and recruiters or employers have a short attention span. Unless the resume is neatly drafted and catches the eye of the recruiter, there is a high chance of it being lost in the pool.

If you want to stand out, here’s a great news. Many recruiters have started accepting video resumes to gauge the candidate’s personality and communication skills. The video recording is not merely speaking about qualifications, work experience and skills but an outlet to impress with necessary soft skills.

However, as someone who has never created a video CV, it might be a scary prospect. It is daunting and takes some time to perfect that resume. Below are few tips that might help you to create an incredible video CV, ultimately helping you get hired in your dream job.

1. Consider Resume as Video Marketing Tool

Video marketing is popular and adopted by all small to big brands. The whole process goes through a hierarchy of steps starting from recording, editing, and sharing on multiple platforms.

Consider the video CV as a marketing tool representing yourself as a brand. The video gives candidates an outlet to present themselves and their work in front of recruiters or employers in a creative manner. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that the videos should be of professional grade.

  • Keep the video short, precise, and crisp. Ensure the video follows a certain pattern like basic introduction, qualification, work experience, skills, and why you are an ideal candidate.
  • Video resume lets you unleash your creativity and visually walks the recruiter through your credentials. This means you have no room for error. Prepare a script in advance, practice and record.
  • Always create professional-grade videos and do not send amateur video CVs to recruiters. Shoot against a plain background, have good lighting, and use an external mic to bring clarity. Keep a check on your body language while recording. Wear formals while recording the video to maintain the decorum.
  • Do not use transitions, filters, and extensive editing. Keep the video clutter-free. The unnecessary transitions are distractions that the recruiters are not looking for. For a job resume, keep the video clean and simple.

2. Create a Resume appropriate to the job

 Different professions require different skills and expertise. If you are applying for a job that requires working in a formal environment with suits and client meetings, it is recommended to show your face and present yourself in the resume. Convince the recruiters why you are an ideal candidate and be confident in what you speak. It allows the recruiters to gauge communication skills and confidence levels based on video CVs.

Create a resume appropriate to the job

However, if you are applying for a skill-based job that is the more creative side, you have the flexibility to create a resume highlighting your skills. For example, if you are a website designer, you can create a resume by creating a video of your experience, adding snippets of work done, your area of expertise and what you bring to the table.

3. Plan the script well

If you plan to create a video CV with slides and images, it does not perhaps require a script. However, for recording yourself as a part of the resume, a well-prepared script is essential. In the script, note down all the points you would like to add to the recordings and how you want to present them. Treat it like a traditional resume and outline important points one by one, including

  • Brief Introduction – Start by your name, your hometown, date of birth, and the place currently you reside.
  • Qualifications – Speak about your highest educational qualification.
  • Work Experience – Speak one by one about all the job experiences and your roles and responsibilities in the job.
  • Skills and expertise – Do talk about the skills and area of expertise that is invaluable to the job profile.

Convince the recruiters – Do not be too pushy but try to convince them why you are the right candidate. Always end with a thank you note.


4. Record a professional-grade video

Video CV is a professional tool that helps get you get recruited. It requires the resume to be impressive, to the point, and without any unnecessary fluff. Use a professional video editor to edit the video, adjust the colours, trim the unnecessary portion, and to keep it crisp. The editing tools also help in eliminating any background sound.

Record professional video

Here are a few things to keep in mind when recording a professional resume:

  • Keep the background clear and preferably use a white background to give a clean look. Consider using a video background remover tool to edit and change your background setting easily.
  • Use good lighting to prevent shadows and maintain focus while creating a B-roll presentation style resume.
  • Use a video editor to make the necessary edits or seek help from a professional to record and edit the video.
  • Use an external microphone to maintain voice clarity. Speak loud and clear.
  • Practice the script, and record as many times as required until it gives the perfect and convincing result. It might not happen on the first go. Be ready to take several takes, record several times unless you are confident and speak without fumbling. The end goal is to look confident and comfortable in the video.

It is best to create a video CV that shows your skills for creative profiles or jobs that do not require presentations and client meetings. Use visuals to illustrate your work, talent, and expertise rather than speaking about it. However, professional editing is crucial to make it appealing and visually impressive.

5. Be open to Taking & Implementing feedback

 The video might look flawless to you, but it never hurts to take a second or third opinion. Before posting the recorded resume across various job portals or sending it to recruiters, always take feedback from professionals, family and friends. Show the video to people and ask for an honest review. Then, implement and make changes wherever required.

It is highly recommended to share the video resume with a known professional in the industry who can let you know if anything needs to be improved or changed.



 Video CVs are slowly but steadily becoming an important tool for the recruitment process. It is an innovative way to present yourself to the recruiter while giving a glimpse of your communication skills and confidence. While it is still yet to be mainstream, many recruiters have expressed their interest in video CVs. It is a potent tool as it is visual and attracts the viewer’s attention.

Moreover, it gives flexibility in using creativity to present yourself in front of the recruiter. Also, the recruiter gets a fair chance to gauge your soft skills and communication style through the video recording. Hence, if you want to stand out in a crowd and get hired in your dream job, use the above mentioned five tips that can help you in creating a stellar resume.

Merin is an HR professional with an MBA in Human Resource. She likes doing a lot of research and study in the field of Human Resource and can't help but share her knowledge on the same in this platform. She is also a great cook and during her free times she keeps experimenting with new dishes. Know more about Merin by clicking here.
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