Top 11 HR Tools for Remote Team Management

HR Tools for Remote Team Management

The changing technology has made remote work grow. With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, most employers have found remote work to be a safe way to keep employees engaged in organizational duties. However, it’s not easy to manage employees remotely since your primary goal as an employer is to boost collaboration, culture, and productivity. Worry not, though, because, with HR tools for remote team management, the process of achieving these organizational objectives is simplified.

Remote Workforce Management Software

Note that there are a plethora of options when it comes to remote work tools. Some HR tools are specifically designed to help employers manage their remote workers, whereas others are meant to assist employees in becoming more productive. In this guide, we will recommend the top 10 HR tools for remote team management so that you do not have to go through the lengthy processes of searching and testing for the best.

1. Zoom

Zoom is one of the best apps for video conferencing. The software is easy to use and produces quality video and sound. It has simplified the way remote meetings and video calls are conducted since employers will be able to easily share the recordings and come to a decision quickly.

Any business, whether small or large, can benefit from zoom’s impeccable features. In addition, these customizability features have made the software one of the most preferred solutions for managing remote workers. So whether you want to conduct a one-on-one or group meeting, zoom is a perfect choice.

2. Slack

Employers with many remote employees sometimes find it challenging to communicate with them, especially if there is an urgency. Worry no more because Slack is one of the best tools for instant group messaging and collaboration.

Slack is a digital space known to improve communication among remote teammates. This makes it easier for them to share ideas, concerns, or any other issue that will positively impact the organization.


3. iDoneThis

Your daily achievements can easily be documented by iDoneThis software. This includes collecting daily work reports of your remote workers and sending them to your inbox. This way, you will not have to go through the lengthy process of following up with each employee for their daily work reports.

Daily work report for remote workers

Simply put, iDoneThis helps you track your remote workers’ job progress, making your remote team more productive.

4. Google Drive

Storing various organizational files, especially those managed by remote workers, can be a challenge. You want to keep them in a secure place that is easily accessible anytime you need them. With Google Drive software, you are guaranteed the safety of all your business files.

Google Drive also lets you share documents, spreadsheets, and slide presentations among your remote teams. Interestingly, it can be synced on various devices, allowing remote teams to use it wherever they are.

5. Lessonly

Remote workers need to be well trained about a company’s operations so that they may understand how to tackle their duties to achieve organizational objectives. Lessonly is an excellent software to help with managing the employees’ learning system by sharing training resources. The tool is also equipped with additional content for specifically remote workers.

6. Proofhub

Proofhub is a collaboration and project management software that helps remote team managers control their workers. What this tool does is that you can use it to create different tasks and assign your remote workers with due dates included.

This software makes your remote teams know what is expected of them and at what time frame. It is also backed up with custom reports, making it easier for you to track your remote workers’ projects.


7. AttendanceBot

It is best to know that your remote teams are engaged in their duties, and there is no frequent absenteeism. Even though most of them will use tools like Slack to check-in and out of work, AttendanceBot will help you record all check-ins and check-outs, including the period when employees were absent.

With AttendanceBot, you will easily track your remote teams’ time and manage employees’ leave effectively.

8. Recruitee

When in need of additional remote workers, Recruitee is one of the best software to consider. This tool is easy to use, and you do not need any kind of training to use it. Recruitee will help you attract job applicants based on your job description. The applicant tracking processes are also automated, which saves time and allows you to focus on managing other organizational matters.

9. Dropbox

Although many employers or managers use emails to share documents and files, it is challenging to use email when it comes to transferring large files. With Dropbox, not only will you be able to share large files quickly, but you will also sync the files and share them with your remote teams.

Dropbox allows easy collaboration since remote teams can have their tasks or projects organized and submitted within the set timeframe.

10. Trello

Employers must find a way to keep all administrative staff aware of any functions, events, or decisions concerning the business. You will need a tool that will be abba to keep communication transparent between remote teams. With Trello, your teams will stay abreast of all company projects regardless of the departments they work in.

Trello is easy to use and has a pricing structure that allows you to choose based on the size of your business. Both startups and fortune 500 companies enjoy Trello’s benefits, making it one of the best tools to enhance remote teams’ collaborations.

11. iSmartRecruit

HR tools assist organizations in effectively managing their day-to-day HR responsibilities. You can utilize iSmartRecruit if you want precise and complete HR tools. Their applicant tracking system (ATS) will liberate you from manually reviewing resumes, allowing you to take your candidate matching to the next level while saving time.


Benefits of Remote Teams Management Software

Remote workforce management software will primarily benefit organizations with white-collar employees working from home. This is because most of their work is done through computers, making it easy to manage communication and collaboration.

Benefits of Remote management software

There are various reasons why you need remote teams management software. Apart from easy communication and engagement, here are additional benefits of having remote work tools.

  1. Employee engagement: This software will help you analyze employee performance, identify their weak points, and improve them, hence boosting engagement.
  2. Boost company culture: Tools like Zoom and Slack are perfect platforms where remote workers can interact more and bond on a personal level.
  3. Track time and attendance: It’s now easier to know how your remote employees spent their day using remote work tools to track their time and attendance.
  4. Project management and productivity: With a remote team management tool, it is easier for you to allocate organizational duties, which as a result, allows each remote team member to identify their tasks and focus on delivery within the set time frame.

Onboarding and Training: Once you hire a remote worker, you want to make sure they are on the same page as other workers. This means that you need to train them on your company’s operations using remote teams management tools that are fun and engaging.



Not every tool listed above will enable you to manage remote workers effectively. Therefore, choose one according to your organizational needs and budget. You must also ensure that all the software you choose works seamlessly together.

Note that remote team collaborations and communication is a crucial element when it comes to handling remote workers. This means that you should go for software that enhances these features if you want to integrate remote work in your organization successfully.

Merin is an HR professional with an MBA in Human Resource. She likes doing a lot of research and study in the field of Human Resource and can't help but share her knowledge on the same in this platform. She is also a great cook and during her free times she keeps experimenting with new dishes. Know more about Merin by clicking here.
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