Why Digital Marketing is Important for Entrepreneurs

Digital Marketing in Entrepreneurship

Living in an era of technology and innovation, would you be able to think of a day without using a gadget? Answer will be “No”!!

Digital marketing simply means marketing our products or services that we provide to our business through the use of digital technology available today. There used to be days when in order to start a business, we had to spend lots of cash for advertisements. Posting advertisements, sticking posts on walls, pamphlets through newspapers and what not. Through technology everything has become easier today. We can post advertisements anywhere, anytime, either free or by spending few bugs. Starting a business, promoting its products and services has become much easier than ever before.

Digital Marketing for Competitive Advantage

Digital marketing has become a buzzword for the companies looking to have a competitive advantage. Many digital marketing tools like Google Analytics, Facebooks Ads Manager, etc. are used to track the rate of conversion of ads into leads or sales. It can be quite possible that the already established brands need not spend too much on persuasive ads or promotions, as it already has a good number of audiences as well as customers because of its brand image.

However, for startups and companies in their growth stages that is not an option. They need to leverage services and strategies of digital marketing in order to reach maximum audience in the correct way. Though it might not happen instantaneously, the results can show up in a month or year if things are done effectively.


Digital Marketing Strategy

One of the strategies used by e-commerce websites for influencing buyers to purchase products through their platforms is by analyzing the customers browsing history to understand their buying behavior. For example, if you look at amazon online shopping destinations, the advertisements popping up influences us to buy products. It is because of the fact that we might have shown interest to a similar product earlier, elsewhere in the same browser. This strategy is used by top ecommerce businesses and can be considered as a good example of how companies give us an internal motivation triggering us to purchase their products.

Similarly, in order to capture younger audience like kids below the age of 10, the use of television commercials can be the best option. But, for capturing millennials who are spending much time on mobile and other electronic gadgets, digital marketing through social media channels like Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, etc.is very much required.

Digital Marketing for Brand Boosting

Most of the companies, small or big are nowadays spending a lot on the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to rank their brands in the top list of search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. Customers, while looking for a product or service tend to choose from the top 2 or 3 listings in the search results. Similarly, the concept of ‘Going Viral’ is becoming common for many brands nowadays.

Using various mediums like trending posts, memes, hashtags, etc. many businesses are making their brands aware to their customers. For example, some of the short duration ads that has an emotional theme touching the lives of millions can make a major impact to the customer buying behavior. Thus digital marketing is very much required to boost a business branding.


It has thus evident that digital marketing is vital for any entrepreneurship and knowing its concept is important for the survival in today’s fast changing technology. This holds the same for every business and although, some business are still following the conventional method for promoting their products and services, it will disappear as times passes and eventually the need of digital marketing will become an essential part of their branding.

Merin is an HR professional with an MBA in Human Resource. She likes doing a lot of research and study in the field of Human Resource and can't help but share her knowledge on the same in this platform. She is also a great cook and during her free times she keeps experimenting with new dishes. Know more about Merin by clicking here.
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