With health and wellbeing continuing to be a priority for employees, its vital leaders create a culture of growth and support in 2024. But how? The year is already running away with us, and it looks like it’s going to be another challenging one as we continue to live and work in a constantly changing environment. Health and wellbeing are ...
As the workforce training environment is constantly changing, the organisations need to ensure that the employee training and development is at par with the latest trends and company requirements. The best way to achieve this is using the employee training software that provides you with the most efficient way of training your employees. According to research from Middlesex University, more ...
The HRs and recruitment team needs to develop innovative ideas and technologies for the hiring process to compete with the ongoing candidate-driven market. There are numerous recruitment tools that the recruiting team can leverage to ease out the recruiting process. These tools make the recruiter’s life easy and enhance the talent acquisition workflow. They can solve the inefficiencies and help ...
Human Resource (HR) as a profession has risen in stature and demand across the globe over the past few years. These jobs can lead you to a lucrative career, as some of the highest paying HR jobs are also equally rewarding in professional development and job satisfaction. Jobs in human resources department are exciting, fulfilling as well as energetic. The ...
The best way to have a successful business is to find and retain talented employees. However, it is challenging to find qualified employees in this modern-day world and difficult to keep them for long. According to a survey from the ManpowerGroup, about 69% of organizations in the United States are struggling to find the right talent, an increase from 14% ...
Lately, there has been an increase in the importance of corporate training programs’ for employee retention and developing a trained workforce for the future. Although “development” and “training” are interchangeably used, employee training and development are distinct. Training has specific, quantifiable objectives that enhance the productivity and accuracy of current processes. In contrast, development programs have more of an emphasis ...
As organizations across the globe are prioritizing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in their workplace, diversity and inclusion certifications are rapidly becoming an asset for workplace managers and HR professionals. Diversity and inclusion certifications are a popular method for HR professionals to get trained and accredited in D&I. It is also helpful for people who want to improve their careers in ...
The happier your employees, the better will be the success of your company! A Happy Workplace Environment not only does help your employees to do their best within the company, but also helps to attract good talented people to the organisation. Employees who feel happiness at work tend to be more creative, innovative as well as dedicated towards their work ...
Organizational behavior and culture are two concepts that are inextricably linked and significantly impact any organization’s success. Organizational behavior refers to the actions and attitudes of people and groups within a company. On the other hand, the shared ideas, beliefs, and practices that govern how an organization operates are referred to as organizational culture. These two concepts, when combined, affect ...
In the 21st-century business environment, workforce diversity has become an essential part of corporate lingo. However, some wonder if it can provide actual, tangible benefits to their companies. As a company, Do you want to increase your productivity and profitability? Do you want to attract and keep great talent? Or do you want to boost innovation within your organization? For ...
Hello!! My name is Merin
I am a software engineer and a budding Human Resource professional. I created HR Shelf so that the people coming here can discuss about the latest HR trends and industry happenings.