Gamification techniques for retaining millennials in organization

gamification techniques

Gamification is a technique of using game mechanics into something that’s already available to engage users so as to improve productivity, increase participation, loyalty as well as engagement. This technique has gained considerable traction at work place as it serves to leverage a human’s natural desire to learn new things, socialize with others, compete, as well as achieve satisfaction. It is an effective tool to retain millennial generations in organizations who otherwise would look for alternatives.

Have you ever wondered that organizations can use gaming techniques to engage their employees!

Well, for engaging millenial generations it is an option that cannot be ignored. Millennials are those people who were born into the world of technology, where its utilization is omnipresent. They are sometimes called as tech savvy. Being said that, the expectation level of millennials is different from older generations. Are you a millenial ?


Do you know, what are the common characteristics of millenials? Most of the millennials tend to show the following behaviours:

  • Multitasking
  • Expecting Rewards for participation
  • Instant gratification
  • Autonomy in work
  • Poor Loyalty
  • Less respect for hierarchy of organization
  • Less patience

The success of the millennials in the workplace is dependent on what makes them motivated to stay in the organization for long time and work effectively within organization. So, for motivating millennials, gamification techniques can be used. Gamification conceptual model allows the millennials to control what they learn, when they learn and how they learn. Most common techniques used in gamification are:

Collecting Points– The ability to collect maximum points or any other elements like a game play.

Milestones– Ability to cover targeted milestones in the game flow.

Game Characters– Game characters can be used in the game play.

Competition– Sense of competition can be developed within the players.

Goals– Targeted goals are set in the game.

Game levels– Different difficulty levels of games can be provided to keep each level fresh.

Game Rewards– On the completion of each level appropriate rewards can motivate employees to play more and collect more points.

Unlocking– Unlocking brings curiosity to do more levels of game.

Videos– Web based interactive videos can ease learning and development.

Open-courses– Free courses can be made available to upskill workforce.


This is an indirect method of providing instant gratification, success and recognition at workplace are met by gamification techniques, competitive leader boards and proper feed back mechanism incorporated within the gamified platform.

Merin is an HR professional with an MBA in Human Resource. She likes doing a lot of research and study in the field of Human Resource and can't help but share her knowledge on the same in this platform. She is also a great cook and during her free times she keeps experimenting with new dishes. Know more about Merin by clicking here.
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