Workplace Health and Safety – Need, Benefits and its Importance

Workplace Health and Safety

Chances are most people, including yourself, would’ve chosen to ignore the signs “wet floor” or “danger” in your workplace. As futile as these signs may seem, they’re critical.

A company obviously wouldn’t want any accidents or injuries to occur to its employees. The health and safety of employees at work is the employer’s responsibility, and they need to establish the procedures and guarantee that the workplace complies with regulations.

Employers can take steps to reduce risks and hazards, but accidents will still happen if employees don’t accept accountability for their actions. One employee’s irresponsible behavior can harm them and other employees.

Both the employers and employees must be aware of their responsibilities for fostering a safe and healthy work environment.

What is Employee Health & Safety?

An Employee Health & Safety is all about managing risk to safeguard your employees and your business. A good health and safety management is defined by strong leadership that includes your employees, managers as well as suppliers and your customers.

Employees have a right to a safe and healthy workplace, and the workplace must be kept as risk-free as possible by the employer. When you can’t avoid a hazard, you should take every safety measure to lessen the chances of an accident.

Features of workplace health and safety include:

  • Adequate and continued training in safety
  • Well maintained equipment with suitable safety measures
  • Provision of necessary protective gear
  • Protection against toxic products
  • Ability to report any injury or accident

What is the Need for Safety in the Workplace?

Safety at work is essential for every worker in the industry since all workers want to work in a secure and secure environment. Safety and health are the primary concern for every company in order to ensure the health of both employers and employees. It is the duty and moral obligation for the business to ensure the safety of its employees.

Need for safety in workplace

According to a survey by the Hartford Financial Services Group  “58 percent of blue-collar households have a family member who has been injured on the job, requiring medical attention.

The assurance of knowing that one will get home safely from work is more significant than anything else.

By following the recommended OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines, employers and business owners can:

  • Prevent illnesses, accidents, and even fatalities at work
  • Overcome financial difficulty and suffering that may have an impact on employees, family, or even employers
  • Boost employee morale
  • Cultivate a positive brand reputation across the supplier and customer communities
  • Reduce employee attrition

Top 5 Reasons why Health & Safety is essential in the Workplace

It’s beneficial for employers to maintain workplace health and safety. This way, you also safeguard customers and clients while on your premises.

Neglecting your duty of care may affect your employees’ sense of loyalty. The importance of health and safety at the workplace extends beyond your employees and protects you against legal action in the event of an accident.

If an accident occurs at your workplace, it can lead to an expensive employment tribunal. Additionally, that can harm your standing as an employer.

Thus, it’s no coincidence that productivity increases with workplace health and safety, leading to faster time to market and lower operating expenses.

Additional reasons for the significance of workplace health and safety include:

1. Mitigate financial loss and property damage 

The company suffers financial losses due to accidents and fatalities. Employers and employees may lower the danger of life and property harm by prioritizing workplace health and safety.

2. Enhance productivity

Productivity among employees rises when a company prioritizes its employees, conducts appropriate safety training, and educates and informs them about safety procedures. 

3. Boost quality 

When a business shows concern for its employees, those employees show similar respect for their work environment, which boosts dedication, productivity and quality.


4. Corporate reputation

Benjamin Franklin once said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”

It is therefore crucial to constantly monitor and cultivate public perceptions about your company. Organizations must update their safety records regularly to show their ability to be a safe workplace. A positive safety record is good for the company as a whole, as it also benefits the workers and managers who put the safety procedures into practice. This will make the workplace safer and more productive.

5. Legal compliance

Legal compliance with health and safety regulations is mandatory in some countries where they’re considered criminal laws. Senior executives who violate the law may be prosecuted, fined, or imprisoned.

Safety in Workplace

Benefits of a Safe and Healthy Workplace Environment 

Paying attention to workplace health and safety has several benefits, including:

  • Workplace productivity increases with workplace safety. Productive employees are a value to all businesses. For instance, productive workers may accomplish more in less time, which lowers a company’s operating expenses.
  • The well-being of both employees and employers is promoted through workplace safety. Health is improved through better protection. Healthier employees do tasks more effectively and are generally happier.
  • In a safe workplace, accidents are pretty rare. This decreases worker’s compensation expenses and downtime for safety checks. Additionally, it shortens the recovery period for employees’ injuries.
  • Industrial equipment damage results in expenses for replacement and repair. Fewer expenditures and more revenue will come from preventing industrial equipment damage and occupational accidents. 
  • Employees are often more self-assured and at ease, if their employers are worried about their safety. Additionally, absence rates decline, and workers focus more on accomplishing their tasks.

How to establish a Safe and Healthy Workplace

1. Recognize and prevent workplace hazards

Before creating a safe working environment, you must first be aware of workplace health and safety concerns.

Mechanical problems, toxic chemicals, unsafe electrical equipment, and other factors might risk workplace health and safety.

While using machinery at work, mechanical issues might arise at any time. Working with heavy machinery is also quite dangerous and can result in accidents. Employees must use extreme caution while handling chemicals. Additionally, using electrical equipment might be risky. Electrical broken equipment can electrocute workers, which is a severe issue.

Establishing possible hazardous areas should thus be a primary goal, and working with your employees to reduce such hazards will be effective.

2. Train employees properly for safety

Training is a crucial component of every company’s safety policy to safeguard employees from accidents. According to research, accidents at work are more likely to happen to new employees, and this more significant risk is brought on by a lack of awareness of workplace dangers and correct work methods.

Employees should receive essential training from their employers to enhance workplace health and safety. All machinery and equipment should be operated properly and safely by employees. Because of this, it’s crucial to give employees professional safety training.

3. Provide protective safety gear

Using protective gear to reduce exposure to risks that lead to work-related injuries is crucial. Failure to do so may result in harm or even death.

Employees could be required to work with hazardous materials, including chemicals, machinery, electronics, and other things. Employers are required to provide Personal Protection Equipment (P.P.E) to these workers.

protective safety gear

P.P.E. should be manufactured, fitted, and planned properly. Examples of P.P.E are gloves, safety goggles, protective gear, earplugs, hard helmets, and other items.

4. Report dangers in the workplace

Employees are required to notify management of any safety dangers or job hazards. In accordance with the law, employers must ensure that their workers have a safe and healthy workplace. They need to eliminate workplace dangers and improve workplace security.


5. Remain sober and focused

Substance misuse is one of the leading causes of fatalities at work. An estimated 40% of all industrial worker deaths result from substance abuse.

A person who has used alcohol or drugs is less alert. Their motor control, coordination, focus, and decision-making abilities are weakened. This raises the possibility of workplace accidents and fatalities.

6. Give easy access to emergency exits

Emergency exits must be easy to reach in case of an emergency. More minor injuries and casualties will result from easy access to emergency exits.

Therefore, you may instruct the employees to take the exits at the first sign of trouble. Additionally, having quick options to turn off the equipment in an emergency is crucial.

7. Reduce stress at work

Anxiety, depression, and other health issues can all be brought on by workplace stress.

Bullying at work, job insecurity, severe workloads, etc., all contribute to workplace stress.

You need to find out how to handle job stress and minimize its negative consequences. Workplace productivity and employee health may both be significantly impacted by workplace stress.

8. Hold frequent meetings on workplace health and safety

Being over-prepared never hurts. You should have regular meetings to review safety procedures and talk about workplace safety so that everyone knows what to do immediately if something goes wrong.

Your employer is responsible for safeguarding your employees and ensuring a safe working environment.



A secure workplace is a characteristic of reputable companies. All employees desire assurance of their security and protection.

Promoting workplace health and safety is the responsibility of management structures and company owners. Employers should urge staff to follow safe habits and utilize safety gear. They ought to support safety regulations and initiatives.

The importance of health and safety at work is a crucial problem. Employers are responsible for ensuring that their employees work in a secure environment. Employers should also inform employees of the dangers associated with using dangerous equipment.

Merin is an HR professional with an MBA in Human Resource. She likes doing a lot of research and study in the field of Human Resource and can't help but share her knowledge on the same in this platform. She is also a great cook and during her free times she keeps experimenting with new dishes. Know more about Merin by clicking here.
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